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Tutorial: Hosting PHP/MySQL Websites on a OuiHeberg Windows VPS

Hosting a PHP/MySQL website on a Windows VPS is an excellent solution for projects requiring reliable performance and advanced customization. Here's how to set up a web server on your OuiHeberg VPS using WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP).


  • A Windows VPS (provided by OuiHeberg).
  • A Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) to access the VPS.
  • A stable internet connection.

Step 1: Connecting to Your Windows VPS

  1. Retrieve your RDP details from your OuiHeberg client area.
    • IP address, username, password.
  2. On your local computer, launch the Remote Desktop application:
    • Enter the IP address of your VPS.
    • Log in using your credentials.

  1. Once connected, you’ll have access to the VPS desktop.

Step 2: Download and Install WAMP

  1. Download WAMP:
  1. Install WAMP:
    • Follow the steps in the installation wizard.

You may encounter an error like this:

--------------------------- Installation --------------------------- VC_2010_SP1_REDIST_X86 - Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) **** NOT INSTALLED **** ... (additional messages omitted for brevity).

Steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Download the missing packages: Visit the link provided:
    Go to the "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages" section and download the following versions:

    • VC++ 2010 SP1 (x86 and x64)
    • VC++ 2012 Update 4 (x86 and x64)
    • VC++ 2013 Update 5 (x86 and x64)
    • VC++ 2015-2022 (x86 and x64)
  2. Install the packages: Once downloaded, install all the required versions by double-clicking each file.

  3. Verify the installation: After installing the packages, restart the software installation. The issue should be resolved.

    • Choose a default installation folder (e.g., C:\wamp64).
    • When prompted for a browser, select one of your choice (e.g., Chrome).

Step 3: Basic WAMP Configuration

  1. Start WAMP:
    • Launch the WAMP application.
    • Ensure the WAMP icon in the taskbar is green (indicating Apache and MySQL are running properly).
  2. Verify the Apache server:
    • Open a web browser on the VPS.
    • Go to http://localhost/ to view the WAMP homepage.

Step 4: Create a MySQL Database

  1. Click the WAMP icon in the taskbar and select phpMyAdmin.
  2. Log in using the default credentials:
    • Username: root
    • Password: (leave blank by default).
  1. Create a new database:
    • Click New Database.
    • Enter a name for the database, e.g., my_site_db.

Step 5: Host Your PHP Site

  1. Add your PHP files:
    • Place your site files in the C:\wamp64\www\ directory (e.g., C:\wamp64\www\my_site).
  2. Configure a virtual host (optional):
    • Click the WAMP icon > Tools > Add a Virtual Host.
    • Enter a name for your site (e.g., my_site.local) and the path to your site folder.
    • Add an entry to the hosts file to map your virtual host to localhost.
      • File: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
      • Line to add: my_site.local

Step 6: Test Your Site

  1. Open a browser and access your site:
    • http://localhost/my_site or http://my_site.local (if a virtual host is configured).
  2. Ensure your site displays correctly.

Step 7: Configure External Access

  1. Open port 80 in the Windows firewall:
    • Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings.
    • Add a rule to allow incoming connections on port 80.
  2. Point a domain or IP to your VPS:
    • If you have a domain registered with OuiHeberg, configure its DNS to point to your VPS IP address.

Step 8: Install an SSL Certificate (Optional but Recommended)

  1. Use a tool like Certbot to generate and install an SSL certificate.
  2. Configure Apache to enforce HTTPS usage.


Your PHP/MySQL site is now hosted on your OuiHeberg Windows VPS. You can manage your site files via C:\wamp64\www\, create additional databases via phpMyAdmin, and customize WAMP configurations as needed.

For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact OuiHeberg support. 😊

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