Dive into an unparalleled web world with our innovative hosting solutions!

Explore reliable, secure, and high-performance options tailored to all your online needs.

All our web hosting solutions

Discover unmatched power with our innovative, customized VPS servers!

Experience freedom and power with our VPS, designed to elevate your projects to new heights!

All our VPS servers

Optimize your bots with our dedicated, powerful, and customized hosting!

Experience smooth management and optimal performance with our bot hosting.

All our bot offers

New BoxGaming Offer

Discover our latest offer, available in our data centers in France and the USA. With a single offer, you can switch server type at any time.

Discover the offer
Boost your game servers with our specialized and powerful hosting!

Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with our optimized, powerful hosting!

All our Minecraft offers

Professional services (B2B)

The offers listed here are intended for professionals. If you are a private individual, we invite you to consult our offers for the general public.

General Information :

OUIHEBERG SARL with a capital of 100 euros.
Registered Office: 9 RUE DES COLONNES 75002 PARIS France
Email: contact[@]ouiheberg.com
Siret: 888 341 997 00029 - 888 341 997 R.C.S. Paris B

Website Hosting :