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How to fix memory leaks on Palworld servers

Are you experiencing issues with your Palworld server? You're certainly not alone. In the world of early access gaming, frequent crashes of games and game servers are unfortunately common. Fortunately, there are practical solutions to mitigate these issues. In this article, we focus exclusively on resolving memory leaks on Palworld servers.

The most common crash: memory shortage

One of the most common problems with Palworld servers is what's known as an OOM (Out of Memory) crash. This type of crash occurs when the game server needs more RAM than is available, either because the host node is short on physical RAM or because you've exceeded the RAM limit allocated to your game server by your hosting platform, such as OuiHeberg.

Why does RAM consumption increase?

Since its launch, the dedicated Palworld server has had a significant memory leak. Even with a small number of players, it's not uncommon to see RAM consumption go from 2 GB to 8 GB in a few hours of gameplay. This phenomenon may seem strange, especially if you're used to managing servers for games like Minecraft. This sudden increase in RAM is due to a bug that prevents the server from releasing memory it no longer uses. Although the exact causes of this bug are still unknown, they could include issues related to Pal management, resource pollution bugs, or other aspects of the server.

How to reduce the impact of this memory leak?

Fortunately, there are solutions to limit the impact of this memory leak. A quick solution is to disable the parameter bEnableInvaderEnemy. Our tests have shown that this action can halve RAM consumption and stabilize the server for several hours. However, the precise effect of this change on Palworld server behavior remains unclear, as memory leaks continue to occur in bases despite this parameter being disabled.

Follow the instructions below to update this parameter: open the file located at /Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini. Change the parameter to bEnableInvaderEnemy=False and restart the server.


Until Pocketpair developers fix this bug, these tricks will help you manage your Palworld server more effectively. Remember to follow game updates to benefit from the latest fixes and improvements. With a little patience and ingenuity, you'll be able to continue enjoying your Palworld server with increased stability.

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